Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he

Proverbs 29:18

Here at Vision Youth, We are a fun supportive group who treat each other like family. We believe that a sense of belonging is very important. Here at Vision Youth we support each other and build each other up. We know that we live in a world where depression and anxiety are big issues among young people, the devil is constantly attacking. But with support from close Friendships and a relationship with Jesus our saviour, we know that the devil has no power over us.

We run regular fun programs that bring us closer together, building friendships and trust among our members. We welcome everyone from every walk of life. Here at Vision Youth we show each other the love of Jesus, and we want every person in our group to feel like they have a place where they belong. We are also committed to building an environment where everyone feels safe and where they know that their voice is heard. Where everyone is a valued member who is respected and loved.

God bless,

Mark – TPC Youth Director

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